- L. borgpetersenii
- L. weilii
- L. alexanderi
- L. santarosai
- L. noguchii
- L. interrogans
- L. kirschneri
- Leptospira genomospecies 1
- L. kmetyi
- L. wolffii
- L. fainei
- L. broomii
- L. inadai
- Leptospira genomospecies 3
- L. biflexa
- L. wolbachii
- Leptospira genomospecies 4
- Leptospira genomospecies 5
- L. meyeri
The species that was excluded from the phylogenetic analysis is L. licerasiae, which is a recently described member of the intermediate clade (Matthias et al., 2008).
By the way, I have never liked the designation "intermediate" because readers may assume an intermediate pathogenic potential between the pathogenic and saprophytic clades. At least one intermediate member, L. fainei, can cause severe disease, including Weil's syndrome and pulmonary hemorrhage (bleeding of the lungs).
Featured paper
Slack, A.T., Khairani-Bejo, S., Symonds, M.L., Dohnt, M.F., Galloway, R.L., Steigerwalt, A.G., Bahaman, A.R., Craig, S., Harrower, B.J., and Smythe, L.D. (2009). Leptospira kmetyi sp. nov. isolated from an environmental source in Malaysia. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59(4):705-708. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.002766-0
Other references
Matthias, M.A., Ricaldi, J.N., Cespedes, M., Diaz, M.M., Galloway, R.L., Saito, M., Steigerwalt, A.G., Patra, K.P., Vidal Ore, C., Gotuzzo, E., Gilman, R.H., Levett, P.N., and Vinetz, J.M. (2008). Human leptospirosis caused by a new, antigenically unique Leptospira associated with a Rattus species reservoir in the Peruvian Amazon. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2(4):e213. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0000213
Slack, A.T., Kalambaheti, T., Symonds, M.L., Dohnt, M.F., Galloway, R.L., Steigerwalt, A.G., Chaicumpa, W., Bunyaraksyotin, G., Craig, S., Harrower, B.J., and Smythe, L.D. (2008). Leptospira wolffii sp nov., isolated from a human with suspected leptospirosis in Thailand. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 58(10):2305-2308. DOI: 10.1099/ijs.0.64947-0
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